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U.S. Headquarters: 1990 Rosemead Blvd. South El Monte, buy cialis pharm capsule CA 91733.
• All pre-production and production preparation¬ and communication.
• Raw material acquisitions.
• Customer services – 360 Degree coordination.
• Operations, cialis sales – Shipping/import and domestic delivery coordination.
• Sales & marketing.
• Languages spoken: English, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese
VN Office: Fashion Queen – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
• Product development.
• Coordinate information flow from LA office.
• Verification of requirements for production execution.
• Coordinate sample making and submission to LA office.
• Fabric and trim sourcing.
• Coordinate raw material readiness for production.
• Maintain WIP updates and send in-time updates to LA

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• Languages: English, Chinese and Vietnamese
Certified Factories (Compliances and certificates provided upon request):
• Fashion Queen – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
• Duc Thanh 1 – An Giang, Vietnam
• Duc Thanh 2 – An Giang, Vietnam